Explain the concept of arrogance and the characteristics of arrogant culture in the Qur'an and hadiths

Document Type : Original Article


1 master student in political thought in islam, research institute of imam khomeini and islamic revolution

2 research institute for humanities


In the present study,we seek to answer the question of what is the concept of arrogance and the characteristics of arrogant culture in the Qur'an and narrations.The findings of the study indicate that the Holy Qur'an defines arrogance and its types,including worship,politics,economics and science,and for further enlightenment the characteristics of arrogant culture,which include:self-esteem,pride and pride in material privileges,denial of mission.Prophets, depravity and humiliation of the oppressed masses are discussed. Also,in order to better explain arrogant culture through arrogant operational methods such as enslaving human beings,psychological warfare,slander and deception,repression and the creation of a class society.Methods of combating arrogance in the political-military,cultural-social and economic dimensions,as well as examples of the arrogance of the prophets are mentioned.In the narrations of the infallibles,the explanation of the concept and culture of arrogance has been strongly considered,as the behavior of all the infallibles has been to express the characteristics of the arrogant front for the followers in order to fight against it.In this research, library data collection tools and documentary resources and qualitative content analysis method have been used to analyze and analyze the data.
